ラ コンチャはコスタリカのタラス地区にあるヒメネスファミリーが運営する小さなマイクロミルだ。
ラ コンチャの買い付けは2012年からスタートした。
当時日本ではコスタリカのマイクロミル名で販売しているコーヒー屋は多かったが、同じミルでも複数の農園からのコーヒーを処理している。名前は一緒でも農園が違えば気候条件が違うことからシングルオリジンに特化したNOZY COFFEEは農園名で販売していた。
番号で管理せずに子供の名前が付けられていたことになんともこのラ コンチャらしさが垣間見える。
実際に家族の名前を使用したのは2012年だけだったがラ コンチャにはロット毎に家族の名前をつけることにした。
それでもスペシャルティグレードのほぼ全量をNOZY COFFEEで購入し、収穫時期や栽培エリア、品種ごとに分けた形で販売している。
La Concha is a small micro mill located in Costa Rica and ran by the Jimenez family. One can say that the mill is a micro-micro mill. This specific region has the perfect climate and ideal geographics as it is surrounded by multiple mountains creating perfect slants for fields. Their coffee is far from a mainstream fancy flavor but so smooth that it makes it a very drinkable cup of coffee. Definitely one of our staff favorites as well.
The Jimenez family consists of 10 including 8 brothers and sisters and his two daughters are already married but everyone in the family takes part in the family business. We were initially concerned as the youngest son was still so young as he worked on the fields.
We started purchasing from La Concha in 2012.
When I first visited, the finished beans were lined up along the warehouse floor. Along the trace sheet, the nametag was printed with “Jairo”. Back then, there were many coffee shops that sold beans from micro mills from Costa Rica but used beans from several fields and producers. Even if the mills were the same, it defeated the purpose if the beans were from different locations with different standards and conditions. This is why we decided to sell our beans by the production field name rather than the mill to emphasize the single origin benefits.
After we initially purchased the Jairo beans, we found out the following year that this was not the name of the field but one of his children’s name. Rather than using lot numbers, he used his children’s names to track his inventory. We loved that feeling and family business vibe we got from this. In other words, his operation small enough that period that he didn’t need lot numbers to track his inventory. Schools were on break during harvest season so everyone in the family would help with production including all the kids. The names were actually only used on all lots in 2012 but he still uses their names on the La Concha lots.
Their operation is gradually growing as he purchased the fields on the mountains he can oversee from his own house. Most of the specialty graded beans are still mostly bought out by us. In a few years, we hope to see their niece, nephew and grandchildren’s name as well on the lots!